5 Biggest Red Pill Copes

The most Red Pilled action you can take is to be Red Pilled, or skeptical, about The Red Pill itself.

Question everything.

Otherwise, you are only trading one set of cultural values: the workhorse family man archetype, for another: the untrusting, overly suspicious cynic.

The Red Pill Changed My Life

I’ve been open on the blog about how finding The Red Pill changed my life.

Red Pill knowledge answered all the questions I had about why women SAY they want one thing, but then DO another.

My confusion about why women pretend to want gentlemanly “Nice Guys”, but actually open their legs for selfish assholes (and I’ve sometimes been that selfish asshole), faded away.

I used to wonder why the women I ignored or treated poorly, because I wasn’t very attracted to them, pursued me so hard.

While when I met a woman I really liked, I could only get a few dates or a short relationship before she blew me off.

I could get girlfriends and sex, but I often chased them away quickly with displaying too much interest.

”She’s amazing! I’m in LOVE! Shouldn’t I be able to tell her and show her how much I like her?”, I thought.

That makes sense logically, but I had to learn the hard way that applying rational logic to women is a fool’s errand.

My Red Pill understanding of female nature answered all those questions.

Read my post “How to Get Girls: 3 Books to Improve Your Sex Life” for the books I read to understand attraction and female psychology.

As I learned more about the truth, my bewilderment faded away as easily as cleaning a foggy mirror.

Women aren’t complicated or mysterious; we’ve just been purposely misled.

Once I had women figured out (and they are LAUGHABLY simple) I turned my critical eye to other obvious inconsistencies in the world: politics, money, employment, race relations, even body-building.

During my journey, I discovered that PUA, bodybuilding, low body fat are positively correlated with right wing politics.

Once you peek behind the curtain, getting a glimpse at the blatant lies everyone has been perpetuating about women, it’s only natural to question everything else.

Beyond Women

When I first searched the internet for answers on why a woman I was treating like a queen (i.e., simping for) wasn’t reciprocating my romantic interest, I was 24% body fat, a preachy, self-righteous, leftist, and vegan.

I worked a safe, corporate job with health insurance and nagging middle aged women in the HR department.

Three years later, I’m a lean 11% body fat, ripped like an MMA fighter.

I’m self-employed, with multiple successful businesses, and proudly voted MAGA in the 2020 election.

I’m full of the confidence that attracts women like bears to a pot of honey.

There is a straight line from being a weak, frustrated, leftist simp, to being a jacked, handsome asshole that women lust after.

Red Pill Explosion

The biggest reason for the explosion of The Red PIll is the reckless behavior of women.

As more and more men get burned by female nature, our numbers grow stronger.

The Red Pill is an umbrella for everyone who has come to realize the truth about women. The community encompasses everyone from pick-up artists (PUA), to MGTOW monks who avoid relationships with women altogether, all the way to traditional-conservative (“trad-con”) patriarchs.

As most men get Red Pilled by having their heart broken, there is naturally a segment of bitter men in our ranks. Such men use Red Pill tenets to soothe their frustrations.

There is a lot of truth in the Red Pill knowledge, but an over-reliance on tropes is just as bad as jumping back into the relationship Matrix.

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Here are the 5 biggest Red Pill Copes:

1. “Women Get Ignored After The Wall”

Some women will try to argue that “the Wall” doesn’t exist, when it clearly does. As I previously wrote in my post, “Aging, Unattractive Women Resort To ‘Female Dating Strategies’”:

The Wall clearly exists and manifests in two ways:

1. Women are less attractive to men every year after their mid-20s.

2. At 30, men are growing MORE attractive, especially to younger women.

Female Dating Strategies may claim that The Wall is “bullshit”, as one commenter posted. However, as Rollo Tomassi wrote in his book The Rational Male:

“The closer you get to the truth, the louder women screech.”

Around age 30, women will notice that the tables are turning in her interactions with men. A woman over 30 will have to work harder to get and keep the attention of desirable men, but it usually isn’t the abrupt cliff dive that we make it seem.

By 30, men start catching on to women’s games. We are not as easily manipulated by batting eyelashes, or the insinuation that we might get sex if we do her a favor.

As long as a woman has a warm hole between her legs, SOMEBODY will give her attention.

Women in their 50s, overweight, poor credit, bad teeth, etc. still have men approaching them.

As Youtube creator Oshay Duke Jackson pointed out,

“Women can always get a man.

The Wall is when a woman can’t get the man she WANTS.”

2. “Attention From Women After Age 30 Makes Up For Struggling When You’re Young”

This is a major fallacy in the Red Pill space, and one that is dangerously misleading to young men.

The story goes, that a man should focus exclusively on his “purpose”, and ignore women in order to concentrate on building his value in career, physical fitness, and social status.

At 30, he is advised, the tables will turn and women that previously ignored him will fall into his lap.

Like all dangerous lies, there is a kernel of truth to this.

Yes, as a man in my 30s, who had done reasonably well for himself, I do have women making themselves available to me in ways that weren’t as common when I was younger.

Let me point out that I’ve never been an incel. I have always had girlfriends, some very beautiful, some less so, of every race you can name: white, black, Portuguese, Swedish, and more. I had several one night stands, and a threesome with a Dutch lesbian couple- before I ever heard of Game or the Red Pill.

I made a lot of silly mistakes with women, and I’m STILL making mistakes, but I’ve been in enough situations with women over the years to have gotten pretty good.

That’s the point.

Women are offering sex more easily than they used to, in part because I’m more attractive, and in part because the culture around sex is MUCH more open and casual than it was even 10 years ago when I was in my late 20s.

It wouldn’t have done me any good to avoid women during my teens and 20s.

I NEEDED to make those silly mistakes: over-pursuing, acting needy, sharing too many emotions, etc. when I was younger, to know NOT to do it now.

In my opinion, a man that shows up on his 31st birthday successful, muscular, well dressed, but with ZERO experience with women, is a sitting duck for massive problems.

This is like leaving a baby on a street corner. It’s terrible advice.

Instead, I advise men to understand that they will likely struggle with women in their young years. As Coach Greg Adams wrote in his second book Devolution


I also wrote about this in my post Younger Women Are More Fun.

3. “Younger Women Are Easier to Deal With”

Another common Red Pill trope that I’ve found to be false is the idea that you can just deal with younger women with no problems.

Again, this one is partially true.

At 38, in fantastic shape, charming, well-traveled, with money to throw around, I meet and date younger women easily. I’ve dated women 5 to 12 years younger than me and had a great time doing it.

That is the part that’s true.

A handsome older man has easy access to women 10 years younger than him with no problem. I’m proof of that, as well as other attractive mature guys I know.

However, with very young women (8+ years younger) there is a maturity gap that can make relationships challenging.

Younger women, especially pretty ones, are not accustomed to being told “no”.

They can behave more like bratty children than grown women in a sexual relationship with an adult man.

When I’ve dated women closer to my age, I’ve noticed they can be calmer, more rational, and less prone to over emotional blow ups, crying, etc. over small hiccups that are an expected part of all interpersonal relationships.

Younger Women and Sex

Another aspect of dating and sleeping with younger women is they can be more shy about their bodies and sexuality.

This hasn’t been the case every time, as some younger women are sexually very open and free.

However, a little over a year ago, I went on a date with a sexy 23 year old Latina. I had just celebrated my 37th birthday. We went for drinks at two local spots where the bartenders know me by name.

After a few cocktails, teasing, and eye contact, I invited her back to my place, to make a quick midnight snack. (I am an excellent cook, and this impresses women. I often pull out this card as a way to get dates back to my place with all important plausible deniability.)

The Latina had soft caramel skin, thick dark hair, and sparkling dark green eyes. I grabbed her passionately almost immediately as we walked into my kitchen. After a few moments of lustful kissing, I started nibbling her neck. I half-growled, “Let’s go to my bedroom”.

She started acting shy and pulled away. “I don’t think I’m ready for that”, she blushed.

I was confused, but didn’t show it. It was after midnight, we had enjoyed a fun evening, and I could tell she wanted me.

I hung back to pour us a nightcap.

After a few minutes more of talking and preparing food, I kissed her again, rubbing my hands over her curvy hips and soft skin. She returned my kisses and stroking hungrily.

I grabbed her hand, and led her to bed. “I want to show you something in my room”, I whispered in her ear. She giggled and followed my lead.

In bed, I was ready for action.

We had been sharing deep eye contact all evening, then kissing passionately. Now she was back at my house, and IN MY BED.

That meant she was down, right??

We kissed, I stroked her body. I stripped down to underwear, and removed her shirt and bra. I placed her hand on my dick, and she pulled away, startled.

Instead of wanting to have hot, sweaty sex, she was nervous and timid.

I felt it was her youth and sheltered traditional Latin upbringing that made her less sexually available. When I date women in their mid-late 20s, and certainly 30s and above, they make moves on ME.

I’m a handsome guy, in great shape, with my life together.

Women who know they have a limited time to secure a man’s commitment, are not wasting a second to show they want me.

Older women slide close to me in the bar booth, rub my thigh, push their breasts against my shoulder and smile.

I’ve had plenty of women 10 years younger than me in my bed enthusiastically. In fact, the woman in my post “5 Things I Learned About Game From Dating A Sex Worker” was 9 years younger than me. She was 26 when I was 35. She initiated sex by inviting me back to her hotel room, and making the first move.

Other issues I’ve experienced with younger women is that they are consumed with social media, materialistic, and obsessed with other people’s opinions.

As a man of almost 40, these are topics I don’t even think about.

4. Getting Older Ruins A Woman’s Body

I recently heard a Youtube creator say, “The real wall is getting fat.”

Both men and women lose their sexual appeal when they gain unnecessary amounts of weight. Besides being unhealthy, being fat doesn’t look good.

Masculinity is defined by strength, a square jawline, defined brow ridge, and lean muscle. Fat guys hide their best features under layers of blubber, and lose out.

It’s worse for women, who are judged primarily on their physical beauty. A man that is successful can BUY attention from young, hot women. A fat, older woman can get free sex from men, often much more attractive than she is, but she’ll never be able to lock a top tier man down for more than a night.

I’ve dated a older woman with a tight, alluring body. My girlfriend that I wrote about in the post “5 Lessons From Dating A 40 Year Old Feminist” was 43, with the lean, petite body of a former gymnast.

Despite being “post-wall”, she was sexy as hell.

There is also a small percentage of woman who look BETTER in their late 20s or early 30s than they did in their “prime years” of teens and 20s.

I’ve seen this happen many times.

When I was 30, I started a 4 year relationship with a woman who was 23.

She was pretty, with curvy hips, and supple round butt that entranced me. Over the 4+ years that we were together, I watched her mature both physically and mentally.

I was MORE attracted to my younger girlfriend at 27 than I was when she was fresh out of college.

Her body developed even more over her mid-twenties. She grew more confident as she got older. For me, our sex life was better the longer we were together.

My girlfriend was active and kept her body fit and firm. She ran, did yoga, and boot camps with her friends.

Watching her body blossom was one of the joys of that relationship.

I ran into my former girlfriend in a shop a few months ago. Now 30, she is sexier than ever.

Many women CAN look amazing as they age, up to a point, especially if she keeps herself in shape and well maintained.

It’s also important here that I cared deeply for this woman, and still do.

My feelings make her more beautiful to me. Men in the Manosphere don’t talk about this.

Physical appeal isn’t just what your eyes see, although that is crucial, especially at first.

5. “Men Don’t Need Relationships”

This is another one that still has a lot of validity.

Men are more likely to be interested in objects, numbers, and the complex inner workings of mechanics. On the other hand, women are MUCH more invested in people and interpersonal relationships.

Scientists have found that male infants are less likely to respond to human faces, where female infants show high levels of attention and eye contact when shown the same faces.

The most isolated places in the country, for example, the wilderness of Alaska, Wyoming, and small towns in the middle of nowhere, are highly populated by men.

Men tend to be more comfortable, and more productive, being alone.

However, humans are social animals. We were always designed to live in tribes, sharing responsibilities and connection with others.

The ability to be alone, while more common in men than women, is still a rare trait.

I started this blog to explore my lifestyle as an introvert, someone who craves alone time.

If you identify as an introvert, you’ll find that most people consider that “strange” or suspicious.

It’s seen as weird to be able to enjoy your own company and intellectual pursuits, and to choose that over socializing with others. See my podcast episodes “Do You Need Friends As A Loner” and “Introvert, Not Shy”.

Most men will not be happy in the lifestyle of solitude that I describe in this blog.

That’s why you see so many men lining up like lemmings on a cliff to marry and move in with women.

The blue pill fantasy isn’t just a dream sold by diamond merchants and Hallmark card companies. It’s a biological necessity for the majority of men.

The large percentage of men aren’t built to enjoy the “Peace, Quiet, and Freedom” promoted by author and Youtube personality Coach Greg Adams, and glorified on this blog.